About Tara
Tara Spires-Jones runs a research group studying brain changes in ageing and neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Her laboratory studies the synaptic connections between neurons, which in healthy brain allow learning and memory. The goal of the group is to understand the mechanisms of synapse degeneration in order to develop treatments that will promote recovery of brain function. In addition to her research, Prof Spires-Jones is passionate about communicating scientific findings to the public and policy makers; increasing the rigour and reproducibility in translational neuroscience; promoting inclusivity and diversity in science; and supporting career development of neuroscientists. She is a founding member of the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence, which works to promote the future of European Neuroscience. She served as a member of the Scottish Science Advisory Council from 2016-2019 advising the Scottish Government on science policy, and in 2018 was elected as a term Member of the European Dana Alliance of the Brain promoting public engagement with neuroscience.
Monica Garcia-Alloza and Tara Spires-Jones have a long-standing collaboration examining synapse degeneration in models of Alzheimer’s disease combined with diabetes phenotypes. Alberto Lleo and Tara Spires-Jones are collaborating to understand the accumulation of pathological proteins in synapses in Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer’s disease. We are using high resolution array tomography to examine sub-synaptic localisation of alpha-synuclein, amyloid beta, and tau. Martin Ingelsson and Tara Spires-Jones are collaborating to characterize synaptic pathology in a novel model of Alzheimer’s disease.